NHBC Accepts for energystore TLA®


Energystore is thrilled to announce we have been awarded NHBC Accepts status for energystore TLA®. NHBC Accepts recognises innovative products and systems with the aim of keeping the industry moving forward with modern methods of construction.

NHBC Accepts is a review service using NHBC’s knowledge and expertise to give consumers confidence when sourcing new methods of construction. Energystore TLA® has been through rigorous testing and met NHBC’s high standards.


“We’re dedicated to developing products that are high performance and have as little an impact on the environment as possible and having energystore TLA® achieving NHBC Accepts status is huge. The product was developed to make insulating floors an easier process for the client. A fast install, reduction in waste on site and reduced thermal bridging can reduce a client’s costs, reduce their environmental impact and improve their programme speed.” Connor McCandless, Director of UK Operations.

NHBC Accepts is the latest accreditation for energystore TLA. It is the only poured insulation with 3rd Party Agrément

NHBC Accepts is recognised by key industry stakeholders, including Homes England and UK Finance. The service was established to bring new methods of construction to the forefront while ensuring you can specify the method with confidence. The service tests new systems with the manufacturer and once approved, NHBC Accepts continues to monitor the product with the manufacture and the clients using it on site.

 energystore TLA® combines eps beads coated in an innovative additive with cement to create a pourable insulation. This unique poured insulation offers a non-combustible alternative for use in floor and roof construction as a high strength void former or insulation

Alex McCandless